“The most beloved of places to Allah are the mosques, and the most hated of places to Allah are the markets.” [Muslim]
Public Notice
Assalam Alaikum
Dear Community Members,
On Thursday (24/2/2022), all remaining restrictions have been replaced by the government’s “living with COVID plan”.
As a result of this, there is no longer a mandatory requirement to wear a face mask in Mosque’s and other places of worship.
However, a high number of people still testing positive for the virus. The Mosque has a huge responsibility, as well as each one of us, to ensure that our practices are not the cause for spreading the virus within our community.
Therefore, we still ask all those attending to please come with a prayer matt, face mask and be in a state of purification.
Whilst, wudu facilities will be available on site. We ask that these are used as a last resort or in an emergency as they are deemed by Public Health England as a high risk for the transmission of viruses.
For more information feel free to contact us on 07898071178 or go to our website www.icecbattersea.org.uk.
From 1st April 2022 to 3rd November 2022, we will be holding two Jumu’ah Prayer. These will be at the following times:
First Jamaat, Khutba start time 13.15 PM
Second Jamaat, Khutba Start time 14.00 PM
To be put onto the Mosque message list, please save the mosque mobile number 07898071178 on your contacts as ICEC. Please note, this is not your WhatsApp contact list but your main phone’s contact list.
Then by WhatsApp message us your name. We will then put you on our list to receive mosque update messages.
We send out by Mass Mosque update messages using WhatsAPP broadcast. To prevent abuse, WhatsApp only deliver these messages to your mobile if our number 07898 071178 is saved on your phone’s main contacts.
For those who require any assistance, please email us on: info@icecbattersea.org.uk or call us on 020 72284267 or 07898 071178.